Architect Consulting
- Plan Review
- Energy Code Compliance
- Prescriptive, UA, ERI or Performance
- Building tightness issues
- HVAC strategies
- Hot water distribution
- Cost optimization
- HVAC Strategies
- Equipment selection
- Ventilation
- Structural
- Headers and Beams
- Walls, Floor and Roof
- Wall Bracing
- Foundation
- Plan Boilerplate Review
- Energy Code Compliance
- Site visits
- Contractor Education
- On site
- Classroom
- Building Inspection Appeals
- Appeal preparation and representation
Architects are now commonly using engineers to perform a structural review of their plans and prepare wall bracing plans even though code does not require it in most cases. Engineering firms are often overwhelmed with work and are not familiar with residential wall bracing code. We can perform these reviews to ensure code compliance. As codes change, it is hard to stay up to date with plan details and all that boilerplate. Different jurisdictions have varied code amendments and plan requirements. We can review it to make sure it is appropriate and correct. Effective energy efficiency compliance strategies must start at the planning stage. We can help with details and guidance to make the plan more efficient and tailor a strategy to meet your clients budget.